We want your feedback! Please let us know what you think about TFS. Do you have an interesting story or article that you would like to share? If so, please let us know!
Reader Comments:
Regarding the latest update, outstanding work again by the whole CMP crew! New or improved programs, expanded scholarships, new or improved facilities, new rifle and accessory offerings and the super relationships CMP has developed with the ONG and NRA leadership are shining examples of what can be done when one's heart is in the program. You all should be justifiably proud of how the program has progressed into its second century. Somewhere President Teddy Roosevelt has a big grin and is saying a hearty Bully for the CMP! Regards, LTC John F., USAR ret'd
I have truly enjoyed your Shooting Tips site. Even as a 25 yr veteran police sniper/high power shooter,I still find interesting,and useful tips from the successful younger folks coming up through the military,and law enforcement. Keep up the good work!
Det.Tim R.
Wow! Please forward my thanks to everyone responsible for all the improvements I just read about at Camp Perry. Recent years have included quite a few impressive improvements and it looks like there are more this year. The Air Gun range, bath house at RV Park, Bataan Armory remodel, etc are all great. Just letting you know how much we (competitors) appreciate all the work.
Grayson P.
CMP Shooters' News is one of my favorite email news publications. Information packed, talented authors, timely subjects, and all around well done. What a great service you are providing to the shooting community. Just wanted to say thanks and Merry Christmas.
Newt E.
I enjoy and look forward to TFS and the excellent articles that are published on a regular basis.
Please keep this publication coming and keep the CMP active.
Don M.
One of the members at Snipers Hide pointed out the newsletter and the High Power Tips articles by the USAMU team.
Darn you! I was up until 1:00 AM last night reading all of the articles. Great newsletter and really great USAMU articles.
Michael E.
Great article written on physical conditioning in the latest TFS. I was one of likely many who had asked about the type of conditioning recommended for serious shooters. Sgt. Craig did a great job on describing the routines. Now it’s my turn to put it to work.
Thanks to you, Sgt. Craig and other contributors who share best practices of shooting excellence.
Keith H.
I use these articles in our high power clinics and have found them very helpful for both new shooters and reinforcement of the basics for the more experienced.
Thanks, Gary M.
Thanks for the great articles on the Carbine, Springfield, Garand matches. All the articles are interesting, but the Carbine, Springfield & Garand are my favorites.
Jim H.
The September-07 on line shooting tips by SSG Tobie Tomlinson, USAMU Service Rifle Team Member, is a great article. I have reproduced 15 copies of it to hand out and discuss to our “newbie” first year air rifle shooters on our high school JROTC Air Rifle Team. Come to think about it believe I’ll hand out a copy to my advance shooters as well. His explanations are simple to understand but rich in detail. Coupled with the sight pictures this article will go a long way towards helping all our JROTC shooters obtain better sight patterns. Keep up the great work. AND…..keep the articles like this coming.
Malcolm V.
CW2 (R), US Army
Henderson, Hemphill and USAMU’s Team Blue take top honors at the 2008 National Trophy Pistol Matches
By Steve Cooper, CMP Writer

19 Juniors participated in the 2008 National Trophy Pistol Matches .
CAMP PERRY, OHIO – This year marked the 117th anniversary of the National Trophy Pistol Matches, now sponsored by the Civilian Marksmanship Program. The matches, which trace back to roots in competitions promoted by
the U.S. Department of War and U.S. Congress in the late 1800s and early 1900s, have been hosted at Camp Perry since 1907. Over 900 shooters participated in the 2008 National Trophy Pistol Matches phase which includes the Pistol Small Arms Firing School.

USAMU Pistol Shooter SSG James Henderson won the President's Pistol Match. This is Henderson's fifth win in the President's Pistol Match.
The U.S. Army Marksmanship Unit once again dominated the President’s Pistol Match, with Army shooters taking two out of the top three positions and six out of the top 10 spots in the individual match. The matches are fired with M1911 .45 cal. or M9 9mm pistols or commercial equivalents to those pistols.
SSG James Henderson, USA, took top honors, firing a 386-12X in the 40-shot, 400-point match. USAMU teammate SSG Robert Park II finished second in a 384-16X tiebreaker over 2007 defending champion, Steve Reiter of Tucson, Arizona, the 2007 winner, who captured third place with a 384-12X.
Henderson and the 99 shooters who followed him are also recognized as the “President’s Hundred” and receive President’s Pistol Match medallions and certificates. The cut-off score (100th place) in this year’s match was a 348-6X.
President’s Pistol is a service pistol match featuring 20 slow-fire shots from 50 yards in 10 minutes, 10 timed-fire shots at 25 yards in 20 seconds and two strings of five shots fired in 10 seconds each. The match has been fired since 1981.
Henderson’s aggregate score was comprised of a 189-5X, 100-5X, 97-2X in slow, timed and rapid fire, respectively.

Rebeka Jennings of Boerne, Texas, won the President's Pistol Junior Trophy.
The President’s Pistol Junior Trophy match, fired with a .22 caliber pistol, was won by Rebekah Jennings, of Boerne, Texas, who fired a 371-10X, comprised of a 183-3X, 94-4X and 94-3X in slow, timed and rapid fire.
Rebekah was one of three young women scoring in the top 10 in this year’s match, with Heather Deppe firing a 369-10X to finish second for the second consecutive year. Michael Thola took third place honors with a 355-4X aggregate score.

Philip Hemphill of Clinton, Mississippi, was the top shooter in the National Trophy Individual Pistol Match.
Philip Hemphill, a civilian shooter, won the National Trophy Individual Pistol Match, defeating the USAMU’s SSG Park in a tie-breaker and SSG Henderson by one point with an aggregate score of 288-13X to Park’s 288-11X and Henderson’s 287-12X.
The NTI is a National Match course, which is a 300-point match fired with 10 shots of slow fire at 50 yards in 10 minutes, 10 shots of timed fire at 25 yards in 20 seconds and 10 shots of rapid fire at 25 yards in two strings of five shots each at 25 yards. The NTI is an Excellence-in-Competition match in which the top 10 percent of all Non-Distinguished competitors, military and civilian, earn EIC points that count towards earning the Distinguished Pistol Shot Badge. The top 32 shooters in the Non-Distinguished rankings earned EIC points with the cut-off score at 256-6X.
Hemphill was one of only three civilians scoring in the top 10 in NTI. His aggregate score breakdown was 91-4X, 100-4X and 97-5X in slow, timed and rapid fire.

Junior Pistol shooter Ryan Nichols earned his first National Trophy. He shot a 273-4X in the NTI Junior Match.
The National Trophy Individual Junior Trophy went to Ryan Nichols of Rootstown, Ohio, who fired his .22 caliber for a 273-4X, ahead of Rebekah Jennings (268-4X) and Matthew Hoff (253-4X). Nichols shot an 87-3X, 95-1X and 91-0X in slow, timed and rapid fire.

Blue Team shot a team score of 1116-23X to win the Gold Cup
Trophy. Team members were Henderson, Park, SGT Michael Gasser and SGT Timothy Barber. The team was coached by SFC Jason St John and team captain was SSG Lyman Grover.
In National Trophy Team competition the U.S. Army Blue team of Park, Henderson, SGT Michael Gasser and SGT Timothy Barber scored a combined 1116-23X to retain the Gold Cup 4-person team trophy which they won in 2007. Park was the team’s high shooter with a 285-6X. By rule, each team must have at least one new shooter – this year’s “newbie” was Barber, who shot a 275-7X aggregate to count toward the team total.
The U.S. Army Gray Team of SSG Adam Sokolowski, SGT Sean Watson, SSG Jason Sargent and MSG Richard Hinzman earned second place honors with a 1090-18X team aggregate.
The U.S. Marine Corps Scarlet Team of Cpl Ben Footer, Sgt Thomas Kozic, SSgt Jordan Kramp and CWO4 James Fraley took third place with a team total 1085-19X.

SSM Thomas Fuller, USA, awards the Junior Pistol Team Trophy to ORPA YAT #2 Team. Team Captain and firing member Joseph Totts joined Ryan Nichols to shot a combined total of 526-7X.
The two-person National Trophy Team Junior match was won by the Ohio Rifle & Pistol Association YAT #2 team of Joseph Totts (275.6) and Ryan Nichols (251-1) who shot a combined 526-7 team aggregate. Totts shot an 84-0X, 99-4X and a 92-2X and Nichols shot a 78-0X, 92-1X and 81-0X individual score.
The Texas Jr. Blue team of Heather Deppe and Rebekah Jennings placed second with a team composite score of 523-9X and the Texas Jr. Silver team scored a 498-4X.
The day concluded with the National Trophy Pistol Award Ceremony where 26 trophies were awarded to the top shooters. View complete results of the 2008 National Trophy Pistol Matches at
http://clubs.odcmp.com/cgi-bin/report_matchResult.cgi?matchID=3417. Pictures from the matches and awards ceremony can be viewed at
http://www.odcmp.com/Photos/08/Pistol/index.htm. The 2009 National Trophy Pistol Matches will take place on 19 July with the Pistol SAFS Firing School being held on 12-13 July. Be sure to mark your calendars and join us for the 2009 National Matches.
A special thanks goes out to the 2008 National Trophy Pistol Matches sponsors:
Eric Pierce of National Match Armory; Rendon, Texas;
http://www.nationalmatcharmory.com/ prepared the presentation M1 Garand rifle for the President’s Pistol Match and National Trophy Individual Match winners.
Glock, http://www.glock.com, donated a Standard Glock 9mm pistol (winner’s choice) to the highest-ranking Law Enforcement competitor in the President’s and NTI aggregate.
Dr. Nicolas Abrishamian of Mountain Competition Pistols,
http://www.mountaincompetitionpistols.com, donated two National Match Beretta Model 92FS accurized pistols which were awarded to the top Handicap winner’s in the President’s and NTI matches.
Kowa Spotting Scopes, http://www.kowascope.com,
donated two spotting scopes for the second ranking Handicap competitors in the President’s and NTI matches.
Hornady, http://www.hornady.com, donated a Lock-N-Load Progressive Metallic Reloading Press for the second ranking Handicap competitor in the President’s Pistol Match.
New Distinguished Pistol Shot
Badges were awarded during the National Trophy Pistol Awards
Ceremony. |
Elihu Root Medals were awarded to
an honorary National Civilian Pistol Team. The coach of the 2008
National Civilian Pistol Team was Jerry Neal, Willoughby, OH and the
captain was Richard Pozo, Concord Township, OH. Team members were
James Lenardson, Toledo, OH (286 - 9); David Lange, Glen Rock, NJ
(280 - 8); Brian Zins, Centreville, VA (278 - 7); and Eric VanZandt,
Troy, NY (278 - 6). |
The Oglethorpe Trophy was awarded
to the highest scoring Civilian Team in the National Trophy Pistol
Team Match, Ohio Rifle and Pistol Association (1062-22X). and is a
highly contested trophy among state association and club teams. Team
firing members were William Dobson, Kevin Kelly, Bruce Knopp, James
Lenardson. Team Captain was Richard Pozo and Team Coach was Jerry
Neal. |
Winning the U. S. Coast Guard
Memorial Trophy was USAR Black with a score of 1019 - 14. Firing
members included SSG Stephen Spencer, SSG Jonathan Rosene, LTC Alan
Toler and SGM Michael Carlin. Team Captain was Toler and Team Coach
was SSG Brent Lantagne. |
Philip Hemphill won the Glock
Pistol Award. the highest-ranking Law Enforcement competitor in an
aggregate of the Presidents Pistol Match and the National Trophy
Individual Pistol Match. |
Hemphill also won the National Trophy Individual
Pistol Match and received a presentation M1 rifle that was prepared
by Eric Pierce of National Match Armory, Rendon, Texas.
SSG James Henderson USA, winner of
the Presidents Match, will receive a letter of congratulations from
the President of the United States and was awarded presentation M1
rifle that was prepared by Eric Pierce of National Match Armory,
Rendon, Texas. |