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Rifle Small Arms Firing School

By Sommer Wood, Staff Writer/Editor

All SAFS attendees received a SAFS T-shirt imprinted with a "40th year of the Small Arms Firing School" logo.
2005 marked the 40th year of the Small Arms Firing School hosted by the U.S. Army Marksmanship Unit instructors and assisted by Army, Air Force, Coast Guard, Marine, and Navy shooting team members. The school is geared for new and less experienced shooters in order to teach basic marksmanship techniques, and had 546 new shooters in attendance this week. Because of the large number of new shooters in attendance each year, it has become an important outreach program for the Army Marksmanship Unit.

The school began with a half-day of classroom instruction by the Army Rifle Team which covered safety, rifle functioning, shooting positions, and basic firing techniques. Students then moved to the range where they got to put their new knowledge to use with live fire in both slow and rapid fire exercises. All the exercises were under the hands-on instruction of the military shooting members.

Hopefully all the students in attendance will leave the Small Arms Firing School with new skills and knowledge that will not only help them in the matches this week, but also help them grow throughout the year into better marksmen.