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Upcoming CMP Events:
Tuesday Night Open Public Shooting
Camp Perry Marksmanship Center, Port Clinton, OH
Shooters, including aspiring new shooters are invited to take advantage
of a new opportunity to do practice shooting on Tuesday evenings at the
Camp Perry Marksmanship Center air gun range. The Camp Perry 80-point,
10-meter air gun range is fully equipped with electronic targets that
accommodate air rifle, air pistol or National Match Air Rifle shooting.
Instruction and equipment are available. Visit
MarksmanshipCenters.htm for additional information.
Western CMP Games and Creedmoor Cup Matches
Phoenix, AZ
The 2009 Western CMP Games and Creedmoor Cup Matches will take place at
the Ben Avery Shooting Facility North of Phoenix, Arizona on 17-25
October. The Official Program for the 6th Western CMP Games and
Creedmoor Cup Matches is posted and available at
WesternGames.htm. The 2009 CMP Games program has been changed so
that competitors can attend the popular new shooter clinic on Saturday
morning, 17 October, and then shoot three Garand-Springfield-Vintage
Military Rifle Matches on Saturday afternoon and Monday and Tuesday
mornings. The As-Issued M1 Garand EIC Match has been moved to Sunday
morning, 18 October, so that more shooters can compete for special
4-point EIC legs in that match. This year, CMP Games competitors will
also be able to shoot in a Rimfire Sporter Match on Sunday afternoon and
a Carbine Match on Monday afternoon. Creedmoor Cup competitors can
attend a free highpower rifle clinic on Wednesday, 21 October, and then
shoot on successive days, a practice match, a NMC team match, the
80-shot Creedmoor Cup Match and finally a Service Rifle EIC Match. You
can register to compete in either or both the CMP Games Matches and the
Creedmoor Cup Matches on-line at
Anniston Marksmanship Center Monthly Match
Anniston, AL
The Civilian Marksmanship Program (CMP) invites you and your club rifle
team to participate in our Air Gun Monthly Matches. These monthly
matches take place at the CMP’s brand new Competition Center in
Anniston, AL. The competitions will feature a Junior Air Rifle
3x20, NMAR 3x20, 60 Shots Air Rifle Standing, 60 Shots Air Pistol and 30
shots Novice Prone and Benchrest. Anniston (Alabama) matches are 24
October . Visit
MarksmanshipCenters.htm for more information and on-line
Camp Perry Marksmanship Center Monthly Match
Port Clinton, OH
The Civilian Marksmanship Program (CMP) invites you and your club rifle
team to participate in our Air Gun Monthly Matches. These monthly
matches take place at the CMP’s brand new Competition Center in Port
Clinton, OH. The competitions will feature a Junior Air Rifle
3x20, NMAR 3x20, 60 Shots Air Rifle Standing, 60 Shots Air Pistol and 30
shots Novice Prone and Benchrest. Camp Perry (Ohio) matches are 24
October and 21 November. Visit
MarksmanshipCenters.htm for more information and on-line
2009 Gary Anderson Invitational
Anniston, AL
You and your shooters are cordially invited to participate in the 2009
Gary Anderson Invitational, one of the major junior shooting
championships in the country. The invitational offers three-position air
rifle competition for middle and high school individuals and teams in
both precision and sporter class divisions. Both divisions will have
awards for competitors who fire the top individual and team scores.
There will also be special awards for the best new shooters and junior
varsity teams. The winning precision and sporter teams will receive
trophy plaques and have their team information engraved on the Gary
Anderson Invitational Trophy. The top three sporter and precision teams
will also receive cash awards of $500, $300 and $200 respectively.
Medals will be awarded to the top 25 open and top 15 new shooters in
both the sporter and precision classes. Every shooter and team,
regardless of the type of equipment they use or their level of
experience, will have an opportunity to compete for awards in a truly
high quality competition on one of the finest air gun shooting
facilities in the world. This Excellence-in-Competition championship is
one that every team should attend—we sincerely hope you and your team
will join us in Anniston in December for a great competition.
http://www.odcmp.com/3P/GAI.htm for more information and on-line
Camp Perry Marksmanship Center Fall Open House and Turkey Shoot
You Are Invited to Come to Camp Perry on Saturday, 19 September, between 9:00 AM and 3:00 PM
The Camp Perry Marksmanship Center will host its annual Open House and Turkey Shoot on September 19th where visitors can win turkeys in an air rifle prize shoot, try an Army engagement skills trainer, enjoy free food and be present for the dedication of a massive new mural at the center. All events will take place indoors at the Camp Perry Marksmanship Center.
CAMP PERRY, OHIO - The Ohio Army National Guard (OHNG), the Civilian Marksmanship Program (CMP) and the Ohio Department of Natural Resources are combining forces to host a Fall Open House and Turkey Shoot at the new Camp Perry Marksmanship Center on Saturday, 19 September. Doors will be open from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.; come and participate any time during those hours. The event is open to the public; everyone who lives within daytrip distance of Camp Perry is encouraged to travel to Camp Perry to participate in a fun shoot on the center’s electronic targets and have a chance to win a turkey, to actually shoot on the National Guard’s engagement skills trainer and to visit the CMP Store. Safety and marksmanship instruction will be provided for all who participate. The day will be highlighted by the dedication of the Marksmanship Center’s recently completed 90-foot long mural.
The Marksmanship Center is a state-of-the-art marksmanship training facility. International experts rank it as the finest facility of its type in the Western Hemisphere. It was built through a collaborative effort of the OHNG and the CMP and completed in the summer of 2008. One part of the center houses a National Guard Engagement Skills Trainer (EST), a marksmanship simulation tool that augments live fire training with military small arms and crew served weapons. The EST enables military units to train individual Soldiers in marksmanship fundamentals as well as to present tactical scenarios with a variety of weapons. The simulation environment of the EST allows Soldiers to train in a controlled indoor environment without the expense of live ammunition.
The other part of the Marksmanship Center is an 80-firing point 10-meter air gun range that the CMP uses to host Olympic style competitive shooting events. The 10-meter range is fully equipped with electronic targets that instantly score and depict shot locations on computer monitors next to the shooter. Shot locations are also shown on large overhead LCD panels that spectators can see. The 10-meter range has already hosted a series of high profile competitions including a Camp Perry Open Air Gun Championship in January, national championships for the Army, Marine Corps, Navy and Air Force JROTC programs in February, the NRA Air Rifle Championship in July, the National Junior Olympic Air Rifle Championships in July and the National Matches Air Gun Events in July. In between those competitions, the center hosts numerous training events for youth and adults. During its first 15 months of operation, the Camp Perry air gun range has hosted 8,000 shooters who have fired 600,000 shots as well as 11,500 visitors.
During the open house, the public will have an opportunity to tour the facility, receive gun safety training and fire on the new 10-meter range and its instant feedback electronic targets. The CMP will conduct a safety briefing geared towards use of the 10-meter facility, but participants will find that the safety brief is informative for anyone who comes in contact with firearms. The CMP will provide air rifles and pellets, as well as instructor assistance for those who are neophytes at rifle target shooting.
At the 2008 Open House, over 400 persons participated in the turkey shoot on the 10-meter range and certificates for over 40 turkeys were presented.
"We're truly excited about introducing everyone in this area to our state-of-the-art facility and to letting them experience the fun and excitement of target shooting," said CMP Director Gary Anderson. Participants who want to test their marksmanship skill on the 10-meter range will have an opportunity to win a turkey in the CMP’s twist on the traditional turkey shoot. One lucky participant in each group of ten who shoots the best center-shot on the 10-meter targets will take home a turkey.
Visitors will be treated to hot dogs and refreshments and will have an opportunity to see displays featuring Ohio wildlife resources, National Guard training events and CMP marksmanship and competition programs. The CMP Store will be open for those who would like to see the government surplus rifles and other merchandise available at the Store. Camp Perry, an Ohio National Guard training site, has a fascinating history as it is the home of the National Matches and served as a POW camp during World Wars I and II.
"It's an excellent opportunity for families and individuals as well as Boy Scout,
4-H and shooting club groups to come out and see some of the exciting things happening at the Camp Perry and to take home some memories ... and possibly a turkey." Anderson added.
A special feature in the 2009 Open House will be the official dedication of the 90-foot-long Antolik Mural on the south wall of the Marksmanship Center’s Air Gun Range. CMP Director Anderson said, “I have seen impressive works of art in shooting ranges in many places like the German shooting clubs and the Olympic range in Beijing, but this mural truly ranks as one of the finest examples of shooting sports art that can be found anywhere in the world.” The mural dedication will take place at noon on Saturday, 19 September.
Camp Perry is located approximately five miles west of Port Clinton on Ohio State Highway #2. The Camp Perry entrance is on the north side of hwy #2 and is marked by two lighthouses. Proceed north (straight) on the Camp Perry entrance road (Niagara Road). Follow signs to the open house.
During the Open House, air rifle shooting will be done from benches or tables so that even brand new shooters will be able to score hits and compete for the turkey prizes. Trained instructors provided by the Ohio DNR and CMP will be on hand to supervise all firing.
Everyone who is interested in what’s going on at Camp Perry or in learning more about the CMP, Ohio wildlife resources and Ohio National Guard activities is invited to come to the Camp Perry Marksmanship Center between 9:00 AM and 3:00 PM on Saturday, 19 February. For more information, call 419-635-2141, ext. 1101 or email
shand@odcmp.com. To learn more about the CMP Competition Center, visit the following link on the web at